Based on the title I thought this would be about someone who would become a mage, not someone who becomes the princes errand boy. The title of the story threw me off, and I was continuing to read hoping that somewhere the prophecy you throw the main character into the mage role. Maybe actually have the main character performing magic outside of his race, or learn about his own races magic. I'm not sure if I was taking the title to literal but it seemed to just confuse me.
The plot isn't bad, and the character interaction is good but it's just plain boring. Like many of the other people who have put reviews on here, I continued reading hoping that the story would get a little exciting but it never came about. The ending of the book was just like the rest of the book, it didn't really revolve around the main character and left me saying... "Really that's all"?
I usually give a book 3 stars if I just can make it to the end, but the complete confusion and inability for the story to make me want to turn the page makes this a 2 star book.